
Friday, May 17, 2013


  1. Know when to back off. Many a wayward girlfriend assumes her affectionate attention is welcome by her man until he asks for a little space. The problem with this theory is that when a man is forced to fight for his alone time, he can become jealously defensive of it and resent his girlfriend. Guys like to know their girls have lives of their own, so schedule time for yourself, away from him, with your girlfriends, etc.

  2. On that note, be sure to remain your own person. It is vital in every relationship to not define yourself in terms of your significant other. Get a few hobbies. Better yet, join a club. Once again, girls with lives are almost always more attractive than those whose lives consist only of time with their boyfriends.

    Convey yourself to your man. Instead of holding in your emotions and thoughts about your man's actions and words, just tell him calmly and not aggressively. He'll appreciate this MUCH more than he would if you kept your thoughts to yourself and used them against him later. Contrary to popular belief, men are not mind readers--so tell them what's going on! Punch him in the arm if it comes to that. This sort of release will make you seem far less unpredictable and moody.

    Don't assume that doing nice things for your man, even things that are traditionally viewed as subservient, will make him view you as any less independent. This is a big one, and it is especially effective if life is starting to take its toll. The simple act of doing him a favor or two does not make you a subservient woman--but rather a caring one. If he's had a stressful week at work or a rough string of midterms, wait until he has some free time and make it nice with his favorite meal (served casually; formal dinners require effort on his part and can be a burden). If he's feeling a little down, bring him a serving of his favorite sugary snack food. If he comes home and looks absolutely ravaged, collapses on the futon and exhales deeply as though the weight of the world is on his shoulders, bring him a beer and let him tell you what's wrong. General kindness, without the requirement of reciprocation, will work wonders on a man's mood and allow him to associate the resulting happiness with none other than the caring woman who made it all possible. Most importantly, keep your good deeds varying and changing so they do not become confused for actual submission. You're doing him a favor, after all.

    5 .Don't lie to your guy about where you are going, or what you are thinking of. If he asks you, he wants to know--so tell him. Use discretion (don't tell him you were thinking about that one thing your ex used to do in bed), but if you just brush it off with a light "nothing" or say something that's obviously a lie, you'll only drive him crazy, and not the good kind of crazy
    6.  Finally, don't think about withholding sex. You should to surprise you man and keep things "alive" in the bedroom...keeping the chemistry alive will definitely keep your man happy!

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