
Thursday, April 2, 2015


 1) It’s not as Bad as you Think
 In fact, it’s not bad at all!
There’s a promise attached to it in the Bible which says: “He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the LORD.” – Proverbs 18:22
Know what that means? That means that when you get married, the Lord’s favor is on you.
I know that weddings are daunting and our society is pushed to think that weddings have to be grand and awesome. While it’s a once-in-a-lifetime event, it doesn't have to be a reason for bankruptcy or debt.

2) Legitimize the Urge
Let’s face it: We are all tempted. Especially as a dating couple.
There will always be a time when you are left alone together especially in our day and age – and you’re free to do anything you want without accountability during that moment.
The more you delay getting married, the more this will happen. And the more chances of you falling into sin.When you step up and decide to finally get married, you legitimize sex and all that comes with it – and you enjoy it in the boundaries that is glorifying to God.

3) True Love Commits
You can promise her the sun, the moon, the stars, or five straight hours of shopping spree, but you will never be able to really tell the world how much you love her until you get on your knees and ask her that life-binding question: “Will you marry me?”
If you love your girl, you will marry her.
I can’t express how frustrated I feel when I hear couples spend years and years together and yet have decided against marriage “For the time being”.Sometimes it’s both couples who decide to delay marriage, sometimes it’s just one of them.Either way, it’s a sad thing to see a prolonged relationship that is not wholly committed through marriage.I’ve been taught before that 2 years is the best threshold to get to know each other – and then decide if marriage will be the next step or not.

4) The Generation Gap
There used to be a time when children can communicate and relate well with their parents. That grew to be less and less true – even to today.Technology has created a growing number of children who are detached and disrespectful of their parents because they seem to know more due to the advances in technological know-how.It’s quite obvious that if you decide to marry later, there are more chances of you having a bigger gap with your children once they reach their teen years because of the difference in technology during their time, the difference in age, difference in trends, and so on and so forth.This is a real situation. Believe me if you decide to marry late and have children even later, you will have to deal with this.

5) Sex is AWESOME!
Ever wonder why God made it such a hassle to get married today?
I think one of the reasons is so that you’ll never forget what you went through in order to have such an awesome, legitimate sex life.Our world is peppered with pornography, lewdness, green jokes, sexual terminologies, and a watered-down guilt on illegitimate sexual acts and thoughts.
This has made us desire marriage less and less and less.
Why trade-off a life-long commitment and tons of responsibilities for legitimate sex when you can get illegitimate sex for free?
A friend of mine once told me: “There is nothing better than having meaningful sex with someone you really love.”
I agree.
And the most meaningful sex you can ever have is found in the bounds of marriage.


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